Member-only story
Mind the Gap
Wandering the Rails of a Writer’s Mind
Today, I’m in my favorite deli. It’s got great food and the perfect vibe for getting some serious writing done. But isn’t going well.
As I bite into my tuna fish sandwich, a wasp whips past my head. Luckily, it isn’t a tuna eating wasp. Still, it takes me a few seconds to recover and refocus. Long enough to notice that “California Dreaming” is playing on the overhead radio. I love that song, especially the lyrics. But I can’t make them out because a man and woman behind me are having some sort of business meeting. Hunched over laptops, they toss out jargon I try to ignore. Until they start using the word, redacted. A lot. It reminds of that time, not too long ago, when everyone was using the word, imbedded. How long, I wonder, will we have to suffer this new word fad.
But then again, who am I to judge? I’m supposed to be a writer and the only words that fall out of my head today are generated by strangers. Walgreens is hiring. I should apply. At the very least, I could be vacuuming. Weeding. Doing laundry. Organizing photo albums. Something that has a beginning and an end. A task that can be done in an afternoon.
Then I remember that today I did put oil in the car’s engine and air in the tires. (Actually, the attendant did that). And I called my doctor first thing this morning when I discovered my urine…